Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Not jewelry....but another form of wearable art!

As most artists do, from time to time, I crave creative outlets other than my main "task" of jewelry making. I've posted a few pictures in the past of some other things that I've been working on. So today I'd like to share with you the clothes I've been working on. I have always loved the idea of making my own clothes, but never had the patience or the dedication to follow through on that thought. But I'm changing my ways! I've gotten a sewing machine and have made myself have the patience to try new things, and to experiment with altering fabrics and clothes, and I love the results. I've finished two things: a skirt, and a shirt. And I am happy as a clam about both! The shirt was one of my favorites until I burned a hole in it one day while making beads. So I kept it in the closet and thought "I'll think of something cool to do with it one day." Well, that day came, and the cool thing that I did was put this strip of polka-dotted ribbon over the hole so it's like it's not even there!

And these jeans were my favorite jeans in college. They are so soft and worn in, but I never wear them anymore. So I got out my scissors. I also used scraps from the new curtains that are in my home studio (recognize these from an earlier blog?!). And I went to town. And I'm tickled pink with the result!
On another note, I am so excited that tomorrow I am going home. And for the first time since I've moved to CA, this trip home feels like a vacation. I'm not taking any jewelry to sell (I don't have any; I've been so busy filling wholesale orders that I don't even have any stock), I'm not stressing over the packing, I'm not doing anything big when I'm there, I've gotten all of my orders out the short, I am feeling pretty footloose and fancy free! And I love it! So I'm looking forward to a few days with family, some hot southern sun (an humidity!). And then back here to crank more orders out the door before we head out to Burning Man.
It's a busy month, but a fun one!
Wish me safe travels!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Lots going on!

As usual, it's been longer than I anticipated since I blogged last. What can I say...the ole' cliche: "time flies when you're having fun!"
It was a very fun, productive week, full of beads and lots of other things.
For starters, Finn's birthday was last Sunday. So we celebrated in the office on Monday. Yes, all 11 of us sang him Happy Birthday while he paraded around and wagged his tail. And not one of us seemed to think it was strange singing to a dog! I love it! And of course Finn loved every second of it. This is him going for his birthday present, a singing birthday cake stuffed toy. Oh, what a cutie!

And I've been getting little goodies everyday in preparation for Burning Man. Some things are more exciting (wigs and costumes) than others (grill hoses and headlamps). Here is one of this week's best arrivals:

And for some Divali updates: I've been as busy as a bee putting together wholesale catalogs for buyers in response to an ad I ran recently in a wholesale magazine. Yesterday I sent out 19! It seems like it should be so easy to put some things in an envelope and mail it. But when there are 19 of them, it gets a little time-consuming. I hope that all of my efforts pay off. I have been filling orders for other wholesale accounts, and I am really enjoying getting to know my new accounts. Here's the pile of envelopes that went out yesterday, and a little peek at what's inside:

And I've leave you with some pictures of some new necklaces...finally! These have already gone out the door to the Noyes Museum's Craft Concept show, but I will be making some more. I plan to do crafty things all weekend. The Alameda Flea Market is Sunday, and it's supposed to be really good, so I'm going to check it out. And I hope to finish the skirt that I've been working on for what seems like an eternity. I'll post pics as soon as I do!