Sunday, May 27, 2007

A whole new world....

I have hardly slept or eaten in the past two days! I've been completely engulfed in PMC and in an entirely new medium for me: fabric. Funny how I don't need sleep or really even food when I'm doing something I love!

I got my all of my things set up, and it took me forever to make two pendants and a charm. (And please excuse the poor photo quality; it's really cold and cloudy here today and I don't feel like fooling around with lighting, etc.) It's been about a month since I was working with Lisa, so it took me a while to get back into the swing of things....but I think I am finding my rhythm. I love the pendant that I made, and now I need to fill it with resin, and I always have the hardest time deciding what to put in the resin. It's like I've spent all of this time coming this far, and I don't want to mess up what I've done. So I'm stuck, but really want to do the resin pour I'll come up with something.
And I have a ring idea that I want to work on later today too!

I am absolutely obsessed with image transfers and wearable art, and in making altered clothing. This has been coming on for a while now, and the snake has finally bitten. I am hooked. I went to JoAnn's on Friday and bought lots of fun things, and I swear I don't know why I have never stumbled into all of this before. As much as I love altered clothing and wearable art, it has just neer occurred to me that I could alter my own clothes! Probably because I have, in the past, been really bad at following patterns and sewing "properly." My Mom always tried to teach me to follow the directions. But I don't get along with directions....I just like to DO IT! And I can with all of this. I'm going to get a cheap little sewing machine today from Walmart so I can accent the appliqued pieces I've done....that kind of sewing I can handle. Just freeform and patterns shmatterns!

I started adorning my studio apron first, just so I could learn as I go. Here's what it looks like so far. And I think there's a skirt in the works today. Ooohhhhh, I love this stuff!
And no, I have not forgotten about beads! I actually made some really fun ring beads on Friday for an order for a new account. I was having a great time until a piece of hot glass got stuck between my watch band and my arm. Yes, it was the worst burn I've ever gotten from beadmaking. So I turned the torch off after that. I was tired anyway.
So don't worry....I am still going to make beads as my "day job". (Or one of them, anyway). I'll just do all of this at night and on the weekends!
Off to walk Finnigin!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A little philosophy....

I'm reading Wayne Dyer's book Real Magic, and really enjoying everything that he has to offer. This morning I read a section that summed up the beauty of being an artist for me, and living my dreams, and I wanted to share it with anyone who comes here, because I hope it will encourage someone else to live their dreams. For those of you who are doubtful of metaphysics, just bear with me!

Wayne Dyer explains that we are all "here" (ie. alive as human beings, here on planet Earth) for a purpose; and when we live in sync with that purpose, we will live a life of Real Magic. He suggests that we are all 99% spirit, and 1% physical; the physical part of us is what houses the soul. So if you are unhappy with your daily tasks (your job), you are spending a great deal of time doing something that you dislike, but you keep doing it because you have bills to pay, etc. Using the number equation, what this means is that 1% of you is going through the motions to make 99% of you unhappy. Pretty amazing when you stop and think about how true it is. Furthermore, you are unable to experience peace and happiness when you are trudging through something that you can't stand! Maybe physical needs are being met in abundance, but is the soul, the 99%, feeling abundant?

So what's the solution? Get on purpose with your life. Find what you are here to do, your purpose. Then do it. When we act in accordance with our purpose, we are leading a life of abundance, and prosperity will be abundant. All of our needs will be met when we are doing what we came here to do. It's really pretty simple. I truly feel that I am on purpose in my life. I am happy with the actions that I engage in every day, and I feel that I am doing the things that I came here to do. That, to me, is Real Magic!

Off to do the things I do best...

Monday, May 21, 2007

So much to do, so little time

It was a great weekend, full of stimulation and things to do. That's one of the great things about the Bay area: there's always something fun going on, and it's such a challenge to decide what to do. My inspiration just runs wild here.

I am in the midst of painting my home studio. It's like I'm inside a canteloupe! It's a very yummy orange color that I'm very excited about. But I feel like I've been painting all weekend, and it's the painting project that will never end.
I've been really interested lately in Artist's Journals, Altered Books, and Collaging. Tony and Lisa of Zoa Art peaked my interest when I visited them in Tucson last month, and it's been on my mind ever since. I bought a book by Traci Bautista on Friday called Collage Unleashed, and I have been learning to "doodle" again. It's been ages since I've doodled (I'm not one of those artists why typically uses a sketchbook for ideas, but I'm beginning to see why it's so helpful). I have been having so much fun learning to draw out the ideas in my mind. Traci seems like an awesome chica, and I did miss an opportunity to meet her in person this weekend at Maker Faire. But there was just too much to do!!
Went to a very cool event on Saturday night called in Alameda. It was a fundraiser to get a group to Burning Man. I am only scratching the surface of the whole Burning Man concept, but I am very excited to go. The time is quickly approaching, and lots of ideas are floating around in my head about costume ideas, and I'm getting really excited. For those of you who don't know about Burning Man, I am not even going to try to do justice to it by explaining it here. Just click on the link above and see for yourself.

Off to take the Number One dog on a walk. He's gotten a little overweight and lazy, so we're trying to get that metabolism going! No, he's not related to jewelry or being an artist, but he sure is a big part of my for all of you who want to see this cute little guy, here's a picture of Finn with his summer haircut. Is that cute or what?!

More later,


Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I've gotten all of my ducks in a row with my PMC endeavor, and I am getting very excited. I have a new kiln and lots of tools, and some PMC on the way, and I am hoping that I will have things up and running by this weekend. After I paint my studio a yummy canteloupe color (it's been needing some color on the walls now for a while, so time to get down to business!)

For those of you who aren't familiar with PMC, it's Precious Metal Clay. In a nutshell (and I am simplifying lots of things in this explanation), it's a clay that you sculpt and shape with tools and your hands, and then bake in a kiln. The binder burns off and you are left with fine silver. Pretty cool, huh? So I am going to be able to make components and connections for my jewelry out of PMC. To me, it's a lot more user-friendly and fun than typical metalsmithing, and I like the look of the things I have made so far. So I hope to have some new beauties to share by next week.

Here's a picture of the first necklace I've made with PMC components, just to tickle your curiosity. I have been wearing it around town and getting rave reviews, so I'm eager to make more things like this.
More soon, Carter

Friday, May 11, 2007


Being new to this whole blog thing, today is the first day where I've really felt like this can be my place to vent my creative frustrations. It might not be interesting to anyone but me, but I guess you all have the choice of reading this or not. I can assume if you've come to this website, you are interested in what I have to say. So this is what I'm facing today:
As the saying goes, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Though it may be true, I've never really liked the way that feels. I am honored when someone appreciates an idea or style that I have come up with, but somehow I am never flattered when they try to take that idea/style and call it their own. Of course all artists can learn from one another, and there are certain techinques and tactics that will by default create the same style of look, that all artists of a particular medium will use. Then the challenge is to take that knowledge and make something your own.
I guess this is a battle that all artists face; no idea is every really "mine" or "yours." But as an artist, I have tried very hard to create a style of work that is uniquely expressive of me. I have developed signature styles and they have come to be my artistic trademark, if you will.
So I was a bit shocked when I opened the mailbox this afternoon to see a postcard from a gallery where I sell my work, featuring the work of another bead artist, whose work looks just like my signature piece. Call it flattery if you will, but I felt a little cheated.
I am a creative person, and I am constantly coming up with new ideas and delving into new designs. And I am not claiming to be the originator of all things glass and beaded by any means. But I have marketed myself for years now under this design, and as a common courtesy, other artists have not attempted to market themselves by this same design.
So I am feeling a little frustrated at this point. A few years ago I would have gone and sulked in the corner; but I have grown a lot as a person, as an artist, and as a business-woman. And this is not ok. No, it's not illegal; but feels like I've been wronged.
So what now? I don't know. I have called the gallery owner to discuss the issue, and to learn more about who this person is, if for no other reason than to satisfy my own curiosity. And I guess I'll take this experience and learn from it and go come up with another new design! Because the beauty of having a creative mind is, the sky's the limit!
Hope ya'll have a good weekend-

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Spring Sale today!

Hi everybody-
In case you aren't signed up on my mailing list and didn't get the message, I am having a big Spring Sale today.
Starting at noon PSD (3:00 pm EST) I have a lot of goodies up for grabs at great prices.
Click on the home page link starting at noon. The link won't work until then.
Happy shopping, and remember...the early bird gets the worm!!

Monday, May 7, 2007

AJC Feature

The Atlanta Journal Constitution featured my Words of Wisdom necklaces on Sunday as part of their Mother's Day gift guide.

Here's a link to the online version; the necklaces are item number 5.

And here's a scanned copy of the actual paper, in case you missed it!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

I've been in Vegas for too long!

I've finally made it back to Berkeley, and I am so glad to be home. It's amazing how being away can make you realize how much you miss home. The ACRE show was a success, and I am really looking forward to working with the new accounts that I established. I am eager to see how my jewelry will be perceived in the new areas where I'll be selling, like New Orleans and Southern California.
Aside from the show, Las Vegas was a little overwhelming. All of the neon and glitz is fun for a day or two, but after a while, it starts to wear on me. Thankfully I met Anna and Parker, my neighbors at ACRE, who are ironically from San Francisco! We took the city by storm and made the best of all that Vegas had to $1 margaritas and $11.99 steak and lobster dinners. It was a blast hanging out with them, and I am so happy to have met some fun people who are here in the bay area.
Here are some pics from the weekend.
Aside from unpacking and re-settling, I am also busy filling orders for Mother's Day. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution featured my Words of Wisdom necklaces this weekend, so I have had a flurry of interest in those. I hope to post a copy of the feature when I get my hands on it.
Now that I have ACRE behind me, I am going to have some time to play with PMC. Can't wait! I'll post pictures as soon as I have something worthy of posting.
Ciao for now,