I got my all of my things set up, and it took me forever to make two pendants and a charm. (And please excuse the poor photo quality; it's really cold and cloudy here today and I don't feel like fooling around with lighting, etc.) It's been about a month since I was working with Lisa, so it took me a while to get back into the swing of things....but I think I am finding my rhythm. I love the pendant that I made, and now I need to fill it with resin, and I always have the hardest time deciding what to put in the resin. It's like I've spent all of this time coming this far, and I don't want to mess up what I've done. So I'm stuck, but really want to do the resin pour today...so I'll come up with something.
And I have a ring idea that I want to work on later today too!
I am absolutely obsessed with image transfers and
wearable art, and in making altered clothing. This has been coming on for a while now, and the snake has finally bitten. I am hooked. I went to JoAnn's on Friday and bought lots of fun things, and I swear I don't know why I have never stumbled into all of this before. As much as I love altered clothing and wearable art, it has just neer occurred to me that I could alter my own clothes! Probably because I have, in the past, been really bad at following patterns and sewing "properly." My Mom always tried to teach me to follow the directions. But I don't get along with directions....I just like to DO IT! And I can with all of this. I'm going to get a cheap little sewing machine today from Walmart so I can accent the appliqued pieces I've done....that kind of sewing I can handle. Just freeform and go.....no patterns shmatterns!

I started adorning my studio apron first, just so I could learn as I go. Here's what it looks like so far. And I think there's a skirt in the works today. Ooohhhhh, I love this stuff!
And no, I have not forgotten about beads! I actually made some really fun ring beads on Friday for an order for a new account. I was having a great time until a piece of hot glass got stuck between my watch band and my arm. Yes, it was the worst burn I've ever gotten from beadmaking. So I turned the torch off after that. I was tired anyway.
So don't worry....I am still going to make beads as my "day job". (Or one of them, anyway). I'll just do all of this at night and on the weekends!
Off to walk Finnigin!