I am in the midst of painting my home studio. It's like I'm inside a canteloupe! It's a very yummy orange color that I'm very excited about. But I feel like I've been painting all weekend, and it's the painting project that will never end.
I've been really interested lately in Artist's Journals, Altered Books, and Collaging. Tony and Lisa of Zoa Art peaked my interest when I visited them in Tucson last month, and it's been on my mind ever since. I bought a book by Traci Bautista on Friday called Collage Unleashed, and I have been learning to "doodle" again. It's been ages since I've doodled (I'm not one of those artists why typically uses a sketchbook for ideas, but I'm beginning to see why it's so helpful). I have been having so much fun learning to draw out the ideas in my mind. Traci seems like an awesome chica, and I did miss an opportunity to meet her in person this weekend at Maker Faire. But there was just too much to do!!
Went to a very cool event on Saturday night called in Alameda. It was a fundraiser to get a group to Burning Man. I am only scratching the surface of the whole Burning Man concept, but I am very excited to go. The time is quickly approaching, and lots of ideas are floating around in my head about costume ideas, and I'm getting really excited. For those of you who don't know about Burning Man, I am not even going to try to do justice to it by explaining it here. Just click on the link above and see for yourself.

More later,
1 comment:
oh my gosh! where's finn???
i love you and miss you so much!
you sound wonderful!!!!:)
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